Mossy Bees
Kate Holland
We make beeswax food wraps from the beeswax capping, which is a by-product of honey production. We partner with local beekeepers to source wax, as well as our own beehives which we keep across costal Otago.
Beeswax wraps are an alternative to plastic cling film/ glad wrap. Used for cheese, lunches, leftovers and fruit/vegetables, they can be used hundreds of time, and just wash them in the sink with your dishes.
They make a great salad covering for summer barbecue time, and an excellent thank you gift!
It’s important for us to use local wax, and love looking up the hills and knowing which hives our wax wraps come from! Our wraps are only made from organic wax, resin and jojoba oil, with NZ supplied fabric.
Once you’ve tried beeswax wraps you’ll never go back!
Website: https://mossybees.com